Beth M. Carter

Section Head, Assistant Professor of Japanese

Guilford House 313

B.A., Sarah Lawrence College; M.A., Johns Hopkins University; M.A., University of Pennsylvania; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania

Dr. Carter is Assistant Professor of Japanese at Case Western Reserve University. Her primary area of research is the representation of mourning rituals and practices in premodern Japanese literature with a special emphasis on The Tale of Genji. Her work introduces the concept of “mourning poetics,” the complex layering of post-death ritual with lament poetry that creates a sustained literary technique over the course of a text, foreshadowing the effects of mourners’ efforts. She also has a secondary interest in representations of women in premodern Japanese texts. She strives to recover female voices in their historical and literary contexts, as well as trace the reception and adaptation of their roles in premodern Japanese mourning scenes over time. She has been the recipient of the Fulbright Graduate Research Fellowship (Kyoto, Japan in 2013 and 2015) and the Blakemore Freeman Fellowship for Advanced Asian Language Study (Yokohama, Japan in 2014), among others.

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