Beverly Z. Saylor

Armington Professor

208 A.W. Smith

Other Information

Degree: Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1996)

Expertise: Stratigraphy and Sedimentology

My research interests focus on reconstructing and interpreting stratigraphic patterns, both as recorders of past environmental and tectonic change, and as transport pathways and reservoirs for fluids. My research is based on integrating field and core description with geochemical and geophysical data, laboratory experiments, and geochemical modeling. My current research projects include field work in Namibia, the Appalachian Basin, and Lake Erie, as well as experimental studies of mineral-brine-CO2 reactions and flow through porous media. Funding for this research has come from the National Science Foundation, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy, the Ohio Coal Research Consortium, and the Lake Erie Protection Fund.

I teach upper level undergraduate and graduate level courses in sedimentary geology and field methods and introductory level courses that explore the connections between Earth science and society. I also co-founded and co-direct the Women in Science and Engineering Roundtable (WISER), which is a learning community for undergraduate women that currently has more than 100 members.

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